National Championships – Welsh Age Groups 2022

Over the weekend of the 12th-13th February, Bangor University was the venue for the Weightlifting Wales National Age Group Championships.

First to compete in the u15’s age category was Grace Morris who won the gold medal with an exceptionally strong performance. Grace snatched 48kg and made 3 successful attempts at the Clean and Jerk. The coaching team were especially impressed with Grace for taking the Welsh Clean and Jerk record to 70kg in her age category.

Second to lift for Team SAW, was Daniel Davies who has recently moved up an age category to the u17 division. Daniel made 6 successful lifts, breaking personal bests to obtain 87kg in the Snatch and 110kg in the Clean and Jerk. With this excellent performance, Daniel won the gold medal and Welsh title.

In the 55kg body weight category, u20 division, Ffion Barnikel Snatch an impressive 40kg and broke a personal best in the Clean and Jerk at 53kg. Ffion’s strong composure throughout the event and excellent lifting won her the gold medal and Welsh title.

Another well done to Lotty Whalley, who in her first year competing in the u20 age category scored the highest Sinclair of all the female lifters who took part in this competition. When comparing body weight with the amount of weight lifted, Lotty was the best all-round ‘pound for pound’ athlete. Lotty made competition personal bests and gained the Welsh title, lifting 67kg in the Snatch and 86kg in the Clean and Jerk.

Last to compete was Kyle Collela, in the U20 division, Kyle snatched 90kg and Clean and Jerked a huge 125kg. Kyle has made much progress over the last year and his hard work and dedication paid off by winning the Welsh title.

The athletes, were supported by the SAW coaching team, Jim Horner and Simon Roach.

The Weightlifting club meets regularly each week to train in an encouraging and supportive environment. To find out more please contact

Y Pencampwriaethau Cenedlaethol – Grwpiau Oedran Cymru 2022 

Yn ystod penwythnos 12fed-13eg Chwefror, Prifysgol Bangor oedd lleoliad Pencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau Grwpiau Oedran Cymru.  

Y cyntaf i gystadlu yn y grŵp o Dan 15 oedd Grace Morris a enillodd fedal aur yn dilyn perfformiad hynod gryf. Cipiodd Grace 48kg a gwnaeth dair ymgais ar y Plwc Dwy Law. Roedd y tîm hyfforddi wrth eu boddau o weld Grace yn cynyddu record Cymru ar gyfer y Plwc Dwy Law i 70kg yn ei chategori oedran hi.   

Yr ail i godi pwysau ar gyfer Tîm SAW, oedd Daniel Davies sydd wedi symud i fyny i o ran categori oedran i’r adran o dan 17. Llwyddodd Daniel ar chwe achlysur, gan wella ar ei orau personol gydag 87kg yn y Cipiad a 110kg yn y Plwc Dwy Law. Gyda pherfformiad ardderchog, enillodd Daniel fedal aur a theitl Cymru.  

Yn y categori pwysau corff 55kg, adran o Dan 20, llwyddodd Ffion Barnikel gyda Chipiad arbennig o 40kg gan wella ar ei orau personol yn y Plwc Dwy Law gyda 53kg. Agwedd bwyllog a chadarn Ffion drwy’r gystadleuaeth a’i chodi ardderchog enillodd iddi’r fedal aur a theitl Cymru.  

Da iawn hefyd i Lotty Whalley, a sgoriodd y Sinclair uchaf o bob un o’r codwyr pwysau benywaidd a gymerodd ran yn y gystadleuaeth hon yn y categori oedran dan 20. O gymharu pwysau’r corff â’r pwysau a godwyd, Loti oedd yr athletwraig gyffredinol orau ‘pwys am bwys’. Sicrhaodd Lodi orau personol yn y gystadleuaeth a sicrhau teitl Cymru, gan godi 67kg yn y Cipiad ac 86kg yn y Plwc Dwy Law.  

Yr olaf i gystadlu oedd Kyle Collela, yn yr adran o Dan 20, a chipiodd Kyle 90kg a 125kg anferth wedyn yn y Plwc Dwy Law. Mae Kyle wedi datblygu’n fawr yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf ac mae ei waith caled a’i ymroddiad wedi talu ffordd drwy ennill teitl Cymru.   

Roedd yr athletwyr yn cael eu cefnogi gan dîm hyfforddi SAW, sef Jim Horner a Simon Roach. 

Mae’r clwb Codi Pwysau’n cyfarfod yn gyson bob wythnos i hyfforddi ac annog amgylchedd cefnogol. Am wybodaeth bellach cysylltwch â